Since 1992 this site has always been used as a Display Site. It is part of and included within the property known as 291 High Street, Masterton – being the current location of Masterton Self-Storage (also see the Site Plan further down this document). From between 1992 and 2014 it was used by a building company for their show homes.
From 2014 to today it has been used by Rosies Furniture Removal company (when this business was sold the new owners wanted their own permanent site so moved), James Trucks & Machinery sold and hired out equipment (until the owner/manager became too unwell to work), and then until December 2023 an importer used the site to display and sell pottery.
We at Masterton Self-Storage always found it amusing that when a customer phoned the self-storage office wanting storage, we ask them if they know where we are and their answer was usually, “Oh, you are down by Rosies”, or “You are down by James Trucks”, or “You are down by where they sell the pots”. To save confusion we would just answer, “Yes, that is correct”, where in fact they were our customer. Let us not be too precious because it is all about knowing where a business can be found.
By observing the draftsman’s Site Plan, you can see that the area is broken into 4 areas: 290, 291, 292, and the parking and drive-through area. The reason for this is, most if not all of our past customers want to lease the entire lot, which is areas 290, 291, and 292 and is the most cost-effective option. However, for very short periods of time, in between the above-mentioned business, areas 291 and or 292 have been used separately. What we have done here is provide more options for our customers – which they appreciate.
State Highway 2 (SH2) – 291 High Street, Masterton 5810
The licensee’s (or licensees’) customers must enter using the Entrance Driveway. They must park in the marked area, and they must exit through the Exit Gate and Exit Driveway. This is critical for health and safety reasons. Before the Exit Gate to the Display Site was installed the user’s customers exited from the Entrance Driveway which created considerable danger if someone was entering the Entrance Driveway from SH2 with a trailer or in a truck.
The Display Site has many features, but the biggest is:
SH2 main road exposure. If you want to be found and easily seen it is all about location, location, location. Of course, having a superb location on SH2 makes it easy not just for your customers to find and access you but also trucks and courier deliveries and pick-ups.
Less than 5m from the Display Site is an office block. Inside this office block there are 4 separate office rooms and although these office rooms are usually 75% occupied there is usually one available. Other Display Site licensees have used this combination and found it very convenient. The office rooms include a heat-pump and air-conditioning, fibre internet connection, high-tech security alarm controls and monitoring, and a modern and clean kitchen and ablutions. All perfect for a complete business operating location and a place away from the Display Site to take customers for the more formal part of the sales process.
Licensees have also previously hired a lockup to store and even display plant and equipment that must otherwise be under lock-and-key and a monitored security alarm system? This is where one of our self-storage lockups has proven to be a perfect fit. You cannot use these lockups as a workshop without written permission from our insurers which, in the past has usually been granted.
Located on area 292 is a permanent steel frame (with building consent) for billboards. You will want your business name and what you do to be loud and proud, and this is a perfect way to do it. Masterton Self-Storage has one of these frames on the other side of the Entrance Driveway and all we do when changing the wording or installing a fresh sign is screw it directly to permanent treated backing ply. Easy.
The permitter fence is 1.8m of chain-link netting then 450mm which includes 3 rows of barbed wire. The fence is very transparent which means customers can easily see through it, but it is robust and strong. Since this piece of property has been used as a Display Site the fence has not been breached and the licensees have neither had anything stolen or vandalised.
High up on the office building behind the Display Site a floodlight is fitted which is controlled by a timer. When the floodlight is on the Display Site is lite up and dodgy people do not like bright lights. It should be noted that the SH2 streetlights also add to the lighting benefit.
Also, high up on the office building behind the Display Site and alongside the floodlight a CCTV camera with night vision is fitted and operates 24/7. All captured images are backed-up to a hard drive for about 14 days. We accept that CCTV cameras are the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff and providing they capture good images they can help with a prosecution.
The photo at the start of this article is supplied courtesy of Google and clearly shows the location of the Display Site at SH2 and just along High Street from Solway Cresent, Masterton. Inside the Red square is the area (occasionally) available. Use the Contact Form if you are interested to find out more and if part or all this Display Site is available. Rent (we call them fees) is based on how much space you want and the length of time you want to lease it.
Masterton Self-Storage uses a license agreement as opposed to a lease or rental agreement and this has proved to be very successful. The main reason is that with a license you are not locked in to a minimum 3-years term. You can (and all other users too) have a month-by-month term although the minimum time all other users have stayed is 2 years. No bond is required for the Display Site, the Office Rooms, or the storage lockups and notice to vacate is not a requirement either – the license has been designed to be easy to follow, easy to implement, and risk free. You just finish your monthly term and say goodbye if that is what you want to do.
But however, Masterton Self-Storage does have and can offer long-term discounts – up to 12-month terms. All long-term discounts must be paid in advance, but they are risk free. What this means is, if you want to vacate early and before the end of your long-term you will not be penalised. We will refund you back by the full week what you do not use. You will however lose your discount as you must complete your term to get that benefit.
Please make your inquiry in the fields found in the Contact Form. We guarantee to be in touch with you within 2 working days or the first month’s fees will be free.