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Time to read, smile and laugh, about 3 minutes.


What’s In This Edition?


There is no advertising here but there may be some hints, tips, and ideas.

  • If you work too many long hours, what do you think you might say to yourself on your deathbed?
  • When might you need a sleeping bag when visiting our storage facility?
  • Tell the boss to pay you more.
  • What is a Bench Shelf?
  • How to cook Chinese roast pork. It is easy.
  • How to win one free months of storage fees – this is a competition.

Don’t Work Too Hard Or Work Long Crazy Hours


When you are lying on your deathbed you will not be saying to yourself, “I wish I could have one more day at work”. You will be saying “I wish I could spend one more day with the people I love (or doing the things I love to do)”. So work smarter not harder.

How To Avoid Having To Sleep In Your Car Over Night At Our Self-Storage Facility.


Very late at night, some months ago, a customer left a message on my voicemail.

They claimed they were locked in at the facility and couldn’t get out. I only discovered the message then next morning when I got to the office but by then there was no sign of them.

Our Self-Storage Facility

What had happened was they arrived at the facility and didn’t have their swipe card so tailgated another customer in. When it was time to leave, they discovered the other person had gone and they were locked inside. On this occasion they were lucky because, yet another customer came in and let them out.

A similar thing happened to an impatient courier driver some years ago. On that occasion they had to wait locked inside until I arrived at work.

If you do not hold or have not been issued a swipe card don’t think you can follow another customer

into the facility and expect to get out. The chances of you wanting to leave at the same time as the person you followed in is very remote. You’ll find yourself locked in.

Tell The Boss To Pay You More!  


Yes, that’s exactly what I said but remember this — money can neither be created nor destroyed— you can’t put more or less than 100 cents in the dollar— so if you want to be paid more you need to help the boss make more money. So, no matter what your role, you should find ways to help the boss achieve that. Ask yourself how can we do this easier, faster, more effectively, less expensively, with less people, and so on. You see whenever you make any part of the business more productive you add to the bottom line.

It’s not about what you want to be paid but how much you want to earn. I know there are some thick employers out there but if you contribute as suggested and you are not rewarded for you efforts, you will become angry, lose interest, and resentful and will probably leave for better opportunities.

We Have Developed A Simple But Effective Way Of Keep Storage Fees Down


I accept it may be a bit late for you but all too often we see customers with their lockup full to rafters which means there is no way they can get to that item they want at the back.  Our simple solution is what we call Bench Shelves.

Bench shelves

They are like having a mezzanine or second storey in you lockup and some of the advantages are; the stuff on the bottom won’t get squashed, heavy stuff can go on the ground and lighter stuff can go on the shelf, stacking is much easier on your body, organising your lockup is easier which means you are more likely to find and get at stuff down the back, and you should be able to get 30% more stuff into your locker and that equals substantial saving – money.

Bench shelves can be custom made or our standard (2.4m x 1.2m) size can be hired. Price depends on how much you want and how long you use it therefore, we’d need a chat to enable us to provide a proposal. Can the Bench Shelf be retro fitted (in other words after your stuff is already in storage) and the answer is yes but that will require us to work in with you or your furniture removal firm to make it happen.

Any Easy Way To Roast Belly Pork – Chinese Style


You may ask how I would know how to cook roast pork like this. We, my wife of 32 years is Malaysian Chinese and a very good cook. I should really be 30kgs heavier. Instructions: Select a piece of belly pork from the supermarket. Continued below…

lean belly pork

This is lean belly pork. Yes, there is a small amount of fat but only the last few millimetres.  Anyway, the amount of fat will be obvious when you buy it at. Besides a small amount of fat is okay and it adds to the flavour.

Unwrap it, wash it, and clean it. Place it on a flat dish and rub a

small amount of salt in the skin. Place it in the fridge for about 4 or 5 days.  Remove and rub a bit more salt into the skin. Jackie cooks it in the air fryer on 180 deg c for about an hour (depending on weight) and until the skin comes up crispy.

Adding cucumber as a side dish is also a very nice touch.

Make up a rice-bowl size of dipping sauce. You can usually find this at the supermarket but bbq sauce combined or sweet and sour sauce with a dash of sesame oil with maybe a teaspoon of honey will work but just play around until you get the taste you like.

Win A Free Month Of Fees – Competition.


A smart business should find out what their customers want (not what the business wants to offer) and then make it available to them as a goods or service. As a customer who is using our services already you may have thought to yourself why don’t they provide that, or it would be helpful if that offered this. Therefore, if you have a great idea, we would love to hear from you and if we adopt it in the next 6 months following the closing date we will credit you one month of your storage fees.  That means there could be more than one winner. This competition closes on 31st July 2023.

Until next time, kind regards

Julian and the team

Oh PS: Remember, each time your self-storage ‘term’ ends your self-storage lockup license expires. Your ‘term’ is set by how often you pay fees which is set by you so could be by the week, the fortnight, the month, 3-monthly, 6-momnthly, 9-monthly or 12-monhtly.  To renew your license all you need do is pay for another ‘term’. When you renew your license, it means you agree with all the terms and conditions of the most current MSLL License Agreement (LA) – which is available at the office, or a copy can be emailed to you, or at the website at https://storagemasterton.nz/news/ – no need to sign a new agreement unless you want or need to.